Basic Facts About Hair Transplant.

What is hair transplantation?
Hair transplantation is an artistic, surgical redistribution of the permanent/long life hair follicles taken from the donor dominant areas, viz., the back and sides of the head to the bald/balding areas of the scalp.  These long life hair follicles are transplanted into the bald/balding areas of the scalp.
What is a follicular unit graft?   Is it the same as a hair follicle?
On the human scalp, hair (follicle) grows in form of naturally occurring groupings. These groupings are called follicular units.
Also referred to as follicular unit grafts by hair transplant clinics.
The following pictures shows what the follicular unit grafts look like.

Close up, high-resolution picture of non-balding person’s scalp after trimming the hair.
Fig. 1 Close up, high-resolution picture of non-balding person’s scalp after trimming the hair.
Follicular unit grafts:
Fig. 2 Each follicular unit may contain 1, 2, 3 or rarely 4 hair follicles along with a sebaceous gland. 

The picture below (Fig. 3, 4 & 5) shows follicular unit grafts from different locations on the body of the same person. You will notice a difference in curl and calibre.

Fig. 3 Distinguishing beard and abdomen follicular unit grafts.
Fig. 4 Distinguishing beard and scalp follicular unit grafts.
Fig. 5 Distinguishing chest and scalp follicular unit grafts.
