One of the most frequently asked question from prospective patients is about the difference between hair transplant v/s Hair System/weave/wig/replacement.
1. Hair transplant: Hair transplantation is an artistic, surgical redistribution of the permanent/long life hair follicles taken from the donor dominant areas, viz., the back and sides of the head and robust body hair. These long life hair follicles are transplanted into the bald/balding areas of the scalp.
2. Whatever the word is chosen (Hair System/weave/replacement), it is actually a form of a wig.
3. In hair weaving, a part of the wig is fixed to the scalp by use of metals clips or adhesive tape or in the worst form the scalp is shaved and adhesive is applied to the scalp to fix the hair system on bald portions.
4. Hair system whatever the name it's called is a sort of wig fixed upon the bald/balding scalp. It can be done by weaving the hair of the system to the patients existing hair.

5. Another way is to apply clips and double-edged adhesive tape. The worst way is when the hair system is glued to the bald scalp. Read more
6. The advantage of all hair systems is that they are non-surgical and can give the desired density in a short time.
7. However, all forms of hair systems lead to either traction alopecia (if clips are used), unhealthy scalp (in case the hair system is glued).
8. The other disadvantage is that the person has to repeatedly go and get it serviced every month.
9. Most of the time these hair systems (even used by celebrities) are easily recognizable. Read details
10. Hair transplant on the other hand, is the surgical method (which makes some people afraid) and the transplanted hair take 6 to 12 months to grow. However, the benefit of hair transplant is that the transplanted hair roots grow for the patient's lifetime.
11. Below is a YouTube video I found that shows various celebrities opting either for hair system or hair transplants. View video
Dr A
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