Baldness / Hairloss in women - some basic information

In recent months there has been a lot of enquiries on this topic. So I compiled a basic shortlist.
Please do not hesitate to add to the list of causes and possible treatments. I have kept this simple though there do exist other complex and rare conditions that may be causative factor.

Baldness / Hair loss in women
Hair loss is becoming increasingly common in women compared to previous decades.
Some of the common causes of such hairloss / baldness are :

1. Hormonal �Any changes in female hormone levels can lead to increased hairloss. This can happen in conditions like menopause, surgical removal of ovaries, thyroid problems or sometimes due to prolonged oral contraceptive therapy. Correction of the hormone levels is usually sufficient to treat this type of hairloss.

2. Telogen Effluvium (T. E.) � T.E. is a medical term which means that a lot of hair go into resting/ dormant phase at the same time. Therefore, a lot of hairloss is noticed. The most common incidence in T. E. is seen approximately three months after child birth. This is further aggravated by the stress and insufficient diet that ladies usually resort to nowadays to reduce their weight after child birth.
Other common cause of T. E. is extreme dieting. The good news is that if corrective measures are taken hair lost will grow back.

3. Female Pattern Hairloss (also called Androgenic Alopecia) - This is genetic in nature and is usually noticed in successive generations. In this type, hair is usually lost from the central part area. Medical measures are rarely effective for this type of hairloss. Hair Transplant however can be performed in such case to get growing hair into the balding area does increasing its density.

4. Use of harsh chemicals e.g. for hair straightening, coloring can cause hairloss.

5. Traction alopecia � This refers to hairloss due to continuous traction/pull on the hair. This occurs if hair are tied very tightly e.g., in beads or due to use of hair extensions. Hair transplant can be used to regrow hair in such type of hairloss but the underlying cause should be removed.

Dr. A

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