Recipient slits - pre prepared v/s stick and place

Dear readers,
This is a topic that is not discussed often. But I feel that it merits attention.
There are 2 basic ways of making the recipient slits.
1. Make all of them at one go, before transplanting the grafts (pre prepared)
2. Make one slit at a time and simultaneously place the graft into the slit. Then proceed to make the next slit and so on... (stick and place method)
I personally prefer the first.
1. All the slits are made at one go keeping in mind the angulations and densities, by the doctor (in pre prepared method).

In stick and place method, there is a wide time interval between making the complete slits during which the directions, angles etc. could vary

2. In stick and place method, (unless the procedure is a very small one), the recipient slits would be made by more then one person. That could lead to a difference in aesthetics in the final result.

3. In stick and place method, there is a very real possibility of graft popping out from the previous slit when a new slit is made adjacent to it.
Leading to avoidable graft trauma.

4. To avoid this popping out the graft placer may make the recipient slits further apart, leading to a low-density transplant
In view of the above, I prefer that all the recipient slits be made at one go and do not advise the stick and place method.

Dr. A

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