Trimming of grafts v/s placing them direct

Dear readers,
This is another interesting topic.

Once the grafts are extracted, should they be implanted as such or should the excess tissue be trimmed. This is even more important for the grafts extracted by the fue method.

In my opinion, and experience, it would be very bad if the grafts were not trimmed of excess tissue.

The reason is very simple. In older times, recipient holes were made. Nowadays we make recipient slits . There is a crucial difference between the two. When making a hole, tissue is taken out (much like digging a pit in ground). When making a slit, no tissue is taken out (somewhat like an injection needle going in and coming out).

So, when a recipient slit is made and filled with an untrimmed graft, one is putting in excess tissue which may likely lead to cobblestone appearance (you are stuffing up a hole that does not exist).
One needs to put in the bare necessary minimum to acheive the most aesthetic result.

So, in my personal opinion, if someone says that their USP is that they are just extracting the grafts and placing them into recipient slits without touching or trimming them under magnification, they are not only doing less work, they are making a virtue of their lethargy.

Remember, we are not transplanting skin.
When transplanting follicular unit grafts into slits, its our duty to transplant the follicular unit alone, with bare minimum excess baggage.

Dr. A

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