
प्रतिरोधक क्षमता बढ़ाए लहसुन

Hair transplant training for doctors

Trimming of grafts v/s placing them direct

Recipient slits - pre prepared v/s stick and place

Testing for local anesthetic sensitivity

2 effluviums - a must read

BHT - the preshaving protocol

Graft estimates

Scalp donor area stretching exercises

Customisation of hair transplants as per the patient requirement

Baldness / Hairloss in women - some basic information

Psoriasis and hair transplants

Hair loss need not always be baldness/androgenic alopecia

Reducing post operative pain in strip FUHT procedure

Evolution of hair transplants and some myths

Pain in hair transplants

Some necessary definitions patients should know (Anagen, categen and telogen)

Is my hair loss genetic?

Tress talk: The ABC of hair transplantation

Why are men loosing hair in their 20's?

Trichotillomania - an underestimated disease of pulling hair out from roots.

Diabetes & Hairloss


An interesting case - hair on lip

Facts you should know before getting your hair transplant.